Time travel

Is it possible to travel in japan if you are a student and don’t have enough money?

Thank you, Jm Reyes, for such a pragmatic question. Although the answer may seem trivial at first glance, it leads us deep into the realm of philosophy and modality. The simplest answer to your question is no – at least, that’s what your parents, friends and travel agents would tell you. And the reason is […]

Is it possible to travel in japan if you are a student and don’t have enough money? Read More

If I committed a crime but then travelled back in time to before the crime, could I still be convicted?

Thank you, Robin Pickering, for a great question! Hopefully this helps… This question seems to have three major dimensions. The first is mainly about what would happen if you went back in time regardless of your wrongdoing. The second is about how we define your responsibility for your wrongdoing – what we need in order

If I committed a crime but then travelled back in time to before the crime, could I still be convicted? Read More

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