Armchair Opinions

I got my BA and MA degrees in Philosophy at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. Currently I am a third year PhD student and a full-time research assistant in the same department. I am mostly interested in normative ethics with a special focus on rule-consequentialism. I am most amazed by David Hume's and Immanuel Kant's ideas; for me, these two philosophers dealt with many philosophically meaningful questions that are still relevant today.

Is insurance (and selling it) moral?

Thank you, Roy Head, for such an intriguing question. When considering this question, I assume that most people would think of ‘health’ or ‘life’ insurance, rather than ‘car’, ‘fire’, ‘liability’, ‘property’, etc. Yet they are all insurances, and I intend to cover all of them in this Opinion. Google defines insurance as “an arrangement by […]

Is insurance (and selling it) moral? Read More

Is vengeance ever justifiable?

Thank you, Coffee Jelly, for a great question! Vengeance is usually defined as punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong (thank you, Google). The question is: Is an act of vengeance – call it, X – ever justifiable? An action can be justified in different ways. Is X legally justifiable? That would

Is vengeance ever justifiable? Read More

If I committed a crime but then travelled back in time to before the crime, could I still be convicted?

Thank you, Robin Pickering, for a great question! Hopefully this helps… This question seems to have three major dimensions. The first is mainly about what would happen if you went back in time regardless of your wrongdoing. The second is about how we define your responsibility for your wrongdoing – what we need in order

If I committed a crime but then travelled back in time to before the crime, could I still be convicted? Read More

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