
Are we all the same?

“Is it true that all people are the same? What about differences such as between man and woman, boss and servant?” Thank you, Agar Mayor Gai-Makoon, for a timely and timeless question. In my opinion, people are not the same. First, let’s consider differences between man and woman, boss and servant. I’ll add some other […]

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Can men and women be just friends?

Thank you, Ela Özcan, for a very important question. First, what is it for two people – any two people, regardless of their genders – to be friends? This is a slippery question, with many different answers. But among these answers seem to be three common threads. First, friends must care about each other for

Can men and women be just friends? Read More

Should we all be feminists?

Thank you, John Robbins, for such a thoughtful question. One way to approach it is to start by asking: what is a feminist? A person who believes in and supports feminism. And what is feminism? The term is somehow misleading, as it seems to mirror concepts like ‘masculinism’ or ‘male chauvinism’ – that is, the

Should we all be feminists? Read More

Are men or women more attractive?

Thank you, Eoin Martin, for this lovely question! There are lots of ways you could go about tackling it. I want to look a bit closer at the central concept: attractiveness. In my answer, I will be talking about how attractiveness works, what plays a role in determining how attractive someone is, in the hope

Are men or women more attractive? Read More

Is masculinity necessarily toxic?

Thank you, Frankie Belton, for such a stirring question! When we ask a question about whether something (A) is necessarily something else (B), we are asking whether there can ever be an A that is not also a B. In other words, what we are asking is not whether there are A’s that are also

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