
What’s the reason God created humans?

Thank you, Ohkaydeh, for asking such a timeless question!  The answer to this question depends on your conception of God, assuming that God does indeed exist and created the universe. The benefit of being a philosopher is that we can be creative and not worry too much about theology or committing various heresies. So, I […]

What’s the reason God created humans? Read More

Is courage the most important virtue?

Thank you, Jong Camallere, for this very interesting question. Courage is a central element of many lists of virtues and it is certainly not difficult to understand why: people willing to take a stand for what they think is right serve as great role models. The adventures of great warriors also make for more exciting

Is courage the most important virtue? Read More

How should philosophy be introduced?

Thank you, Daniel Riggins, for a significant question, one that concerns all teachers and students of philosophy. Let me begin with a word of caution: I shall be discussing only Western philosophy, since that is my area of expertise. I cannot comment on philosophical traditions from different parts of the world, simply because I lack

How should philosophy be introduced? Read More

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