
Is Batman a superhero?

Context: He’s also been described as a vigilante and anti-hero, but he beats up bad guys for a living? Thank you, Olivia Rose Brown, for this wonderful question! I agree that Batman’s violence makes him problematic, but there are even more ethical issues related to his activity. Batman spends most of his time fighting criminals, […]

Is Batman a superhero? Read More

Would the world be a better place if sharing fake news/misinformation on social media was made a criminal offence?

Thank you, Ela Özcan, for such a tough question! I’ll do my best to break it down and give you the best answer I can. Online misinformation is a pretty hot topic: it intoxicates political debate, radicalizes people with different opinions against each other, and distracts them from what is actually going on in the world.

Would the world be a better place if sharing fake news/misinformation on social media was made a criminal offence? Read More

If I committed a crime but then travelled back in time to before the crime, could I still be convicted?

Thank you, Robin Pickering, for a great question! Hopefully this helps… This question seems to have three major dimensions. The first is mainly about what would happen if you went back in time regardless of your wrongdoing. The second is about how we define your responsibility for your wrongdoing – what we need in order

If I committed a crime but then travelled back in time to before the crime, could I still be convicted? Read More

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