July 2020

What makes people happy when their interests are fulfilled?

Thank you, Agar Mayor Gai-Makoon, for this intriguing question. The more I reflect upon it, the more mysterious it is that people are made happy by the fulfillment of their interests. I don’t think I have a good explanation for this; all I can do is hazard a few hypotheses. I will understand “happy” to […]

What makes people happy when their interests are fulfilled? Read More

Is insurance (and selling it) moral?

Thank you, Roy Head, for such an intriguing question. When considering this question, I assume that most people would think of ‘health’ or ‘life’ insurance, rather than ‘car’, ‘fire’, ‘liability’, ‘property’, etc. Yet they are all insurances, and I intend to cover all of them in this Opinion. Google defines insurance as “an arrangement by

Is insurance (and selling it) moral? Read More

Is it bad to aspire to be wealthy?

Thank you, Hannah Hughes, for such a thoughtful question. As I explore the question, I will assume that by ‘wealthy’, you mean something like having much more money than would be necessary to live without a constant worry about one’s financial situation. I think that there are two moral perspectives to take into account here:

Is it bad to aspire to be wealthy? Read More

Should we seek to live rationally rather than emotionally?

It seems so clear to me that living in rational way would benefit us way more. Thank you, Ayli Inrovdop, for this long-standing question. Your question already seems to imply a hypothesis that has had a long history in philosophy and continues to have a certain influence in everyday discourse, namely, the opposition between reason

Should we seek to live rationally rather than emotionally? Read More

Is Batman a superhero?

Context: He’s also been described as a vigilante and anti-hero, but he beats up bad guys for a living? Thank you, Olivia Rose Brown, for this wonderful question! I agree that Batman’s violence makes him problematic, but there are even more ethical issues related to his activity. Batman spends most of his time fighting criminals,

Is Batman a superhero? Read More

Can you actually die of boredom?

Thank you, Barbara Getliff, for this fabulous and quite practical question! There are two concepts at play in the question: boredom and death. After considering each separately, we can then evaluate if and how they work or fit together. Boredom can be described as an existential state of mind, that is, one relating to the

Can you actually die of boredom? Read More