May 2020

Would the world be a better place if sharing fake news/misinformation on social media was made a criminal offence?

Thank you, Ela Özcan, for such a tough question! I’ll do my best to break it down and give you the best answer I can. Online misinformation is a pretty hot topic: it intoxicates political debate, radicalizes people with different opinions against each other, and distracts them from what is actually going on in the world. […]

Would the world be a better place if sharing fake news/misinformation on social media was made a criminal offence? Read More

We have nightmares. Can we have daymares?

Thank you, Max Palmer, for a great question! There is a famous nightmare that was had by one of Freud’s patients and that was subsequently interpreted by a French psychoanalyst, Lacan, and more recently by the popular Slovenian philosopher, Slavoj Žižek. The patient had this nightmare after falling asleep beside the coffin of his little

We have nightmares. Can we have daymares? Read More

If I committed a crime but then travelled back in time to before the crime, could I still be convicted?

Thank you, Robin Pickering, for a great question! Hopefully this helps… This question seems to have three major dimensions. The first is mainly about what would happen if you went back in time regardless of your wrongdoing. The second is about how we define your responsibility for your wrongdoing – what we need in order

If I committed a crime but then travelled back in time to before the crime, could I still be convicted? Read More

Would a vegan eat a chicken if they were told two chickens would get killed if they didn’t?

Thank you, Elle Flinn-Shephard, for such a dilemma! This question touches many important ethical issues. It looks a lot like the famous trolley problem: Imagine that you are the driver of a runaway train. Up ahead you see 5 people tied to the track. If you do nothing, the train will kill them all. But

Would a vegan eat a chicken if they were told two chickens would get killed if they didn’t? Read More

Is it wrong to be child-free by choice?

Thank you, Angus Nimmo, for such a productive question! Philosophers like questioning questions as a start, and this might well be a helpful method here. Why think that it is wrong not to have children? One answer, perhaps familiar from social pressure, would be to see parenting as a life accomplishment. But, for someone who

Is it wrong to be child-free by choice? Read More

If I got myself cloned, would my identity still be my own?

Thank you, Robin Pickering, for such a great question! Many philosophers have cracked their heads open trying to answer this one, so I’ll try to do my best here. A thought experiment will show all the complexities and interesting elements of this problem. Suppose that in the future you can go to work on Mars

If I got myself cloned, would my identity still be my own? Read More

Why do the things we love – wine, for instance – hurt us the most?

Thank you, Jesal Panchal, for such an important question! As humans we always tend to look at the things that surround us as if they are humans too. As humans, we often (consciously or not) hurt one another, but can objects, on their own, hurt us too? A glass of wine never hurt anyone, right?

Why do the things we love – wine, for instance – hurt us the most? Read More

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