
Can we ever have the right to do a bad thing?

Thank you, Agar Mayor Gai-Makoon, for this fascinating question. To begin with, the question is somewhat ambiguous. If by “right” we mean a legal right – a right created by some law-giving authority, backed by its coercive power – then it seems clear that we can have a right to do a bad thing. For […]

Can we ever have the right to do a bad thing? Read More

Is it ethical to buy toys and keep them unopened in their original packings part of a collection and never play with them?

I love this question – thank you, Kate Messenger, for asking it. There are a couple of ways we might look at it, which I will go through before saying my piece. Let’s focus on the fact that you bought the toy. Robert Nozick famously argued that private property is something we get rights to

Is it ethical to buy toys and keep them unopened in their original packings part of a collection and never play with them? Read More

Is insurance (and selling it) moral?

Thank you, Roy Head, for such an intriguing question. When considering this question, I assume that most people would think of ‘health’ or ‘life’ insurance, rather than ‘car’, ‘fire’, ‘liability’, ‘property’, etc. Yet they are all insurances, and I intend to cover all of them in this Opinion. Google defines insurance as “an arrangement by

Is insurance (and selling it) moral? Read More

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