
Do guide dogs know that their owners are blind?

Thank you, Terry Sweet, for a great question! Those familiar with philosophy will know that philosophers, in approaching any kind of question, try to be as precise as possible about the words they use. Philosophy is characterized as the quest for truth; there can be little or no room for ambiguity. In approaching this question, […]

Do guide dogs know that their owners are blind? Read More

Would introducing genetic engineering of humans as a medical practice be that bad?

Thank you, Amir Ayazbayev, for a great question! This question concerns two important philosophical problems: What does it mean to be human? And, what should be the limits of medical intervention? In the case of genetic engineering, we can distinguish three main perspectives. The first, called bioconservatism, suggests that there is an undefined ‘X factor’ somewhere

Would introducing genetic engineering of humans as a medical practice be that bad? Read More

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