Website | Armchair Opinions

I am a PhD student at the University of Southampton, having previously done an MRes Philosophy at the University of Reading and a BA in Philosophy and Political Science at Otto-Friedrich-University in Bamberg. I specialize in moral and political philosophy. Thinking about the future fascinates me, and I enjoy teasing apart concepts like rights, risk, harm, and benefit, and thinking about what they can tell us about challenges like climate change.

Is it wrong to be selfish if you don’t let it show?

Thank you for this intriguing question, Sagar Samant! Let me start by clarifying the question. There are different ways in which you can do a bad thing and ‘don’t let it show’. In some cases, it is obvious that someone has done wrong, but nobody suspects you. For example, you rob a bank and never […]

Is it wrong to be selfish if you don’t let it show? Read More

Who should be included in the political decision-making process?

‘If I can be punished for something, should I expect to be included in discussions about the thing I could be punished for, along with the kind of punishment that will be meted out? For example, if I live in a society where ‘being aggressive’ is considered a criminal act, should there ever be a

Who should be included in the political decision-making process? Read More

What makes someone a good friend?

Do I bear the responsibility of my friend’s ‘soul’? I mean: Am I good only if I keep my friend on a good way? Can I be good while letting my friend turn to the dark way? Thank you, Levente CsTóth, for such a thoughtful question. There are two questions at play here. It will

What makes someone a good friend? Read More

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