Website | Armchair Opinions

I am an Associate Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of York. I did a BA in Philosophy and Divinity at the University of Aberdeen. During my MA, also at Aberdeen, I studied the history and foundation of quantum mechanics, and metaphysics and science in the 17th century. I completed my PhD at the University of York in 2018, with a focus on the epistemology, theology, and political philosophy of John Locke. I am also interested in ethics, the history and development of natural law theory, and Neo-Platonism in the 17th century. More recently, in the spirit of Neo-Platonism, I have started working on Damaris Masham and Anne Conway. This has led to a growing interest in other women in the history of philosophy that have often been ignored…

What’s the reason God created humans?

Thank you, Ohkaydeh, for asking such a timeless question!  The answer to this question depends on your conception of God, assuming that God does indeed exist and created the universe. The benefit of being a philosopher is that we can be creative and not worry too much about theology or committing various heresies. So, I

What’s the reason God created humans? Read More

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