
Is morality relativistic or absolute?

Thank you, Sami Naimat, for a classic question. Some people think that morality varies from person to person. This philosophical position is called moral relativism. There are truths about morality, according to moral relativism, and the truth depends on someone or some society. Even if you and I disagree about morality, we can still both […]

Is morality relativistic or absolute? Read More

Are we all the same?

“Is it true that all people are the same? What about differences such as between man and woman, boss and servant?” Thank you, Agar Mayor Gai-Makoon, for a timely and timeless question. In my opinion, people are not the same. First, let’s consider differences between man and woman, boss and servant. I’ll add some other

Are we all the same? Read More

Should we all be feminists?

Thank you, John Robbins, for such a thoughtful question. One way to approach it is to start by asking: what is a feminist? A person who believes in and supports feminism. And what is feminism? The term is somehow misleading, as it seems to mirror concepts like ‘masculinism’ or ‘male chauvinism’ – that is, the

Should we all be feminists? Read More

Why does hate speech cause harm? And can we quantify the harm caused?

Thank you, Arya Amritansu, for such an important question. To answer these questions it is first necessary to clarify what we mean when we talk of “hate speech”. Hate speech is speech that attacks people in virtue of their membership in a racial, religious, ethnic, sexual or other group. In other words, hate speech is

Why does hate speech cause harm? And can we quantify the harm caused? Read More

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