
Is morality relativistic or absolute?

Thank you, Sami Naimat, for a classic question. Some people think that morality varies from person to person. This philosophical position is called moral relativism. There are truths about morality, according to moral relativism, and the truth depends on someone or some society. Even if you and I disagree about morality, we can still both […]

Is morality relativistic or absolute? Read More

How do we know when life really begins inside (or outside) the womb? Is body autonomy more important than a life?

Thank you, Aditya Pandey, for an important and enduring question. We have here two distinct but intimately related questions. The first question really concerns whether we know when life begins, while the second pits life against body autonomy. Both require a substantial answer to the question of what constitutes life. I will therefore briefly explore

How do we know when life really begins inside (or outside) the womb? Is body autonomy more important than a life? Read More

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