
Why should I vote?

Thank you, Ayli Inrovdop, for such a topical question. A single vote hardly ever breaks a tie, so what’s the point in voting? To begin, you could vote in the hope of having your own interests represented by the candidate or party that advocates for the policies most advantageous to you. After all, even though […]

Why should I vote? Read More

Does Walzer’s pluralism about political “goods” make sense?

Thank you, Eoin O’Sullivan, for an important question. A common understanding of justice – namely, “distributive justice” – is that we distribute certain goods fairly across a certain population. Goods represent the fundamental interests of citizens. Some political philosophers have argued that there are certain “primary goods” that are universal across any given political community

Does Walzer’s pluralism about political “goods” make sense? Read More

Who should be included in the political decision-making process?

‘If I can be punished for something, should I expect to be included in discussions about the thing I could be punished for, along with the kind of punishment that will be meted out? For example, if I live in a society where ‘being aggressive’ is considered a criminal act, should there ever be a

Who should be included in the political decision-making process? Read More

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