Philosophy of language

The study of the origins and use of language.

Would the world be a better place if sharing fake news/misinformation on social media was made a criminal offence?

Thank you, Ela Özcan, for such a tough question! I’ll do my best to break it down and give you the best answer I can. Online misinformation is a pretty hot topic: it intoxicates political debate, radicalizes people with different opinions against each other, and distracts them from what is actually going on in the world. […]

Would the world be a better place if sharing fake news/misinformation on social media was made a criminal offence? Read More

Is ignorance really bliss?

Thank you, Ramón Mansilla, for a great question! Let’s hope ignorance isn’t bliss, because here comes some knowledge… If someone were to call you ‘ignorant’, then you would usually take it as an insult – that is, if we regard ourselves rational agents who are epistemically responsible and see ignorance as a bad thing. By

Is ignorance really bliss? Read More

Are assumptions offensive if they are correct?

Thank you, Angus Nimmo, for a great question! I only hope that your assumption that we can provide an answer is well founded… An assumption can be offensive precisely because it is an assumption. If you assume something about someone, it’s because you do not know whether what you are assuming is correct. Though your

Are assumptions offensive if they are correct? Read More

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