
Can we ever really trust that we know anything?

Thank you, Curtis L. Delyn, for such a significant question. It is generally agreed that Plato came up with the classical definition of knowledge as “justified true belief”. This has been incredibly influential; many philosophers have accepted some form of this definition by filling in the relevant concepts with various theories and interpretations. Here, truth […]

Can we ever really trust that we know anything? Read More

Why are people who assign great value to beauty called “futile”? Isn’t beauty a worth-pursuing value?

Thank you, Darlan Campos, for an interesting question! Beauty is usually deemed to be a superficial virtue in light of the fact that it is rarely everlasting and only gives rise to but an instance of aesthetic pleasure. The experience of beauty is incredibly short and seems to have no long-lasting effect. Natural beauty always

Why are people who assign great value to beauty called “futile”? Isn’t beauty a worth-pursuing value? Read More

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