
Why do we feel guilt?

Thank you, Le Miguel Jumonong, for this interesting question. We often allude to several types of guilt. For instance, Sam may be guilty of stealing an apple, Mary of eating too much meat, and a political party leader of bitterly losing national elections. At first glance, these cases seem to be distinct. Indeed, Sam is […]

Why do we feel guilt? Read More

Why does humanity keep moving from one man-made pandemic (disease, war, poverty, climate change, terrorism) to another?

Thank you, Mohammed Ajmi, for this timely question. In many respects, our societies are safer than the ones in which our ancestors lived. At the same time, however, it could be argued that humanity has never been so under threat as it is now. Think of the existence of weapons of mass destruction (especially when

Why does humanity keep moving from one man-made pandemic (disease, war, poverty, climate change, terrorism) to another? Read More

Can animals be cruel?

Thank you, Joey Daly, for such an emotive question! Whenever wondering whether something is possible, a good place to start is with experience; for if it has ever manifested in experience, then of course it must be possible. When wondering whether animals can be cruel, then, we may start by asking: Has an animal ever

Can animals be cruel? Read More